Friday, October 23, 2015

Cracking The Code

What is up guys, hows it going? So if you didn't already know our latest G.T project is Coding. Coding is pretty new to most of us in Mr. Sanderls class since he has not ever taught it before. I feel that coding is a pretty cool thing to know how to do. I kinda have mixed feelings about coding and whether I like it or not. So should everyone learn coding?, well although it is cool and you can make cool games I still think its not for everyone because some people may enjoy making games but others may not like this sort of activities. So with that said, if you want to try coding for yourself check out this link.

My first experience with code was in G.T class. We did lesson one which was trying to get the angry bird to the bad pig. I thought it was pretty fun to try and figure out how to get the angry bird to the pig. At first I was pretty confused with the whole thing, but after a couple of levels I got the hang of it. When coding you really need to read the directions and scripts carefully to succeed. I think that coding is a pretty cool thing because with code you can create cool games.

The scratch game I would make would be staying away from a scary monster dude. This game would kinda be like pac man. Basically all you would need to do is try to not get touched by the monster. At first you pop in and then the monster starts moving in random directions throughout the screen, then you try to stay away from it and if you get touched you lose a point. And the way would would get points is hitting the monster or getting things like apples and other things. I would make it by adding different blocks such as repeat forever so the monster keeps on moving all over the place. I would also position and time the characters movements. And the way would would get points is hitting the monster or getting things like apples and juice boxes.

Friday, October 2, 2015

My Humorous Monologue

What is up guys? This is the 8th week of our GT class and if you didn't already know our latest project is creating a comedic monologue. We have been working on this project for the past 2-3 weeks and its been pretty fun/difficult/interesting.

I have learned quite a bit during this project. One of the things I have learned is that B-roll is very important in making your narrative humorous because without b-roll the audience may not be able to visually picture it. I also learned that if we need to sign out a camera be sure to be there on the first day available. I also learned that you shouldn't procrastinate, because if you do you project wont be your best work. And lastly I learned that your not as funny as you think you are!

Pad is basically taking a couple seconds before and after you start and stop rolling. Usually you take about 5 seconds before and after your clip.  Padding your clips is crucial because if your don't, you may lose a part of your clip. Most times only about half a second gets cut off, but still will ruin your clip. This is really important because when your editing and don't have a clip you might not have time to get a new clip. I know it is really important to add pad because once I was editing one of my films and a part of the voiceover got cut off. So from now on every clip I film I make sure I add pad.

My weaknesses during this project was when my whole project got deleted after working on if for 2 days. This was when I struggled because I needed to complete the whole thing in one night! It was especially difficult because It took along time for me to film what I wanted and edit it how I wanted it to be. I think I next time I could be efficient and it wold be easier for me to complete my project. I believe that my strengths during this project would have to be saying my monologue. I think this was my strength because I believe  I had good expression and said all the words good.