Saturday, March 12, 2016

.MOV Film Festival

Visual Plan & 3 Behind Scenes

Recently we began working on films for the Kaua'i movie festival. This project needed to be either an animation, movie trailer or sitcom. I really like projects like this because their fun and I learn a lot of new skills. My teammates for this project are Meah Jensen and Makaio Gonsalves.

For our project, we decided to create a movie trailer. Like all movies, and movie trailers, there are often some sort of message trying to be shared. And these messages or learning experiences should Include some keywords to explain it. Some of our keywords are encouragement, embarrassed, and shy. These keywords really connect with our audience because everybody has encouraged others to do something. Also, we've all needed some encourage sometime in our lives. Embarrassed and shy also can relate to our audience because whether or not we want to admit it, we all have felt unsure or not good enough to do something. In our film, the character begins as an embarrassed and shy but throughout the story, he becomes more determined and less shy to do what he loves.

The message in our Movie is that we all need encouragement and help from our peers in order for us to get through life. We thought this was an important message because all of us personally have experienced some sort of encouragement throughout our lives and We have all witnessed how important it  is. The message of our story is supposed to show how the basketball player (me) grows throughout the story and is motivated to share his talents and to face his fears. We thought that this would be a good way to share the message because we are all pretty interested in sports. Also, we all know how frustrating it is when were not exactly good at something and how great encouragement can be.

So obviously every individual or team project, there is almost always some kind of issues that come along with the work. Whether it be not meeting due dates, or not working well together, problems always seem to come up while working on any type of project for our class. For our current, movie trailer project I would have to say that the most difficult challenge would have to be, in the post-filming editing stages. For example, when we're editing the sequencing and scenes, we often don't feel that it's the way we want it. Also when were deciding how we want the audio to be because sometimes we don't have the same opinion or idea in our minds, but as we talk to each other and share our ideas we often will find some way to resolve the issue.

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